There is a not so secret secret to adding some glimmer or sparkle to your projects that doesn't involve using glue and glitter as we did in summer camp. Glimmer Mist! That wonderful $7 a bottle that makes everything you spray it on sparkle. It comes in various colors and we must have them all right? Without spending a small fortune, we can. Here is how to make the inexpensive eri*doodle counterfeit version.
Small 2 oz. size sprayers can be found for around a dollar at your favorite super center in travel size bins. You'll need one for every color you wish to make.

You may already have metallic acrylic craft paints in your supplies. If not they are not very expensive and brand hasn't seemed to matter. Here i have silver and rose.
Squeeze approximately a teaspoon of the paint color of your choice into the bottle. Your measurements don't have to be exact.

The next ingredient may also be in your supplies. I used Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue, but any clear glue will do. This acts as an adhesive so the glimmer mist doesn't flake off. Add approximately a 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon eyeballing amount.
Fill the rest of the bottle with lukewarm water leaving some room at the top. Note: I tried this first with rubbing alcohol and the paint immediately clumped before I could even try it out.
Next replace the sprayer top and shake for several minutes till completely mixed.
Try a test spray on a scrap before using, add more paint if you desire more color. Water will make your your paper warp so don't over saturate. Allow to dry or use a dryer to speed up the process. When spraying, a shoebox lined with paper towels is recommended to catch overspray. As you see at top picture, this created a good amount of glimmer. Below are the results from the rose color mixture. The eri*doodle glimmer mist knock off was added the flower/rose from our earlier project and some white lace ribbon. The color took well with the white lace and turned out quite vibrant.
This can be used to add glimmer to just about anything such as paper or card stock, silk or paper flowers, fabric, ribbbon and even chipboard. Use it with stencils or masks to create a glimmer design.
Always shake the bottle before each use as the glimmer will settle at the bottom rather quickly.
Make a few bottles with your favorite colors and no one will be able to tell it's eri*doodle counterfeit glimmer mist. We'll keep it between you and me.